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Meeting Material and Minutes 2018 - 2019

Below are the scheduled 2018-19 meeting dates with the corresponding meeting material and minutes.  Each meeting agenda and related material will be posted several days in advance of the meeting.  Please refer to the specific meeting agenda for the meeting time and location.

November 29, 2018 Agenda & Material Minutes
February 28, 2019 Agenda & Material Minutes
April 24, 2019

Agenda & Material (part 1)

Meeting Material (part 2)

June 26, 2019, Annual General Meeting Agenda & Material (part 1)
Meeting Material (part 2)

Members of the community may attend Board meetings; however, as seating is limited, please make arrangements in advance with the Secretary to the Board of Governors at 905.721.8668 Extension 5693.

If you are unable to attend in person or if there are space constraints, you may listen to the meeting by calling 1.877.385.4099,   passcode: 1028954#